Men Shouldn’t Sing Movie Review

Men Shouldn't SingMen Shouldn’t Sing Movie Review

Men Shouldn’t Sing Movie Synopsis:

Year: 2007
Duration: 1 h 47 min
Genre: Musical
Director: Michael Bell, Sarah Higginson
Writer: Jeff Clark
Cast: Jennine Bailey, Lynn Booth, Wayne Carter, Scott Koorey

[Warning: Spoilers follow] During the opening credits, a news report is heard reporting that 8 people have gone missing. Gina wakes up in an unfamiliar place. As she sings about it, she also sings about the fact that she has no idea why she is singing about it! During the song she meets three other people who are in the same predicament. After the song finishes they are briefly embarrassed and begin speculating on the cause of the song. Another character, Carol, interrupts the conversation and introduce the new-comers to the rest of the hostages – who then explain (in a Dixie-style song) what they know so far – that they can’t get emotional or they will start singing. After showing the others the facilities, the girls lament about no-good men and sing a salsa number (Who’s In Charge). Hans, a retired German opera singer later realizes who put the chips in their brains and why – but he sings in German so the others don’t understand, and the chip overloads his brain during his final long note – forcing him to collapse, dead. While Brian, a neuro-scientist, tries to conduct an autopsy on Hans, an army of tap-dancing zombies appear and take Hans’ corpse away. Decidedly freaked-out, the remaining hostages resolve to break out of the building. While searching for ways out, emotions are revealed through song and a couple fall in love (Slightly Inappropriate Feelings). From falling in love and other frivolous songs, the group are held up from finding any way out. But they lure Dr. Lloyd-Menkin and the zombies into their confinement. The movie ends in a dance-fight between the zombies and hostages, in which the hostages kill off the zombies with dance moves. The hostages then insert the musical chip into the evil Dr. Lloyd-Menkin leaving him in his own musical hell.

Men Shouldn’t Sing Movie Review is a post from: Moviemand

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